Travel Tales: Gamar Ya Granada!
, by Tala Jobedu, 4 min reading time
, by Tala Jobedu, 4 min reading time
I had lived in Spain for a whole ten months and yet I haven’t been to Granada. I know. Don’t give me that look! I had more than enough shame and disappointed friends to deal with after this confession. It was like having gone to Habiba without trying…knafeh! Luckily enough, I had my chance to repeat a year later. After a very intense first semester of my MA in Barcelona, I decided to spend my Christmas holiday in Andalusia and crown this travel with two days in the beautiful city of Granada.
Before heading on my long-awaited journey to southern Spain, I went around asking people who have lived there for some recommendations. I cannot stress this enough: whenever I mentioned that I would be concluding my visit in Granada, they would all let out a faint sigh, place a hand on their chests and utter some inaudible words in Spanish — exactly how I react every time someone says “Mloukhiyeh” in front of me…yamma! When I finally got there, it all made sense to me. There is some inexplicable air of magic that you can feel roaming the city. Be it the narrow alleys, the bitter orange trees, the beautiful breeze that’s always there, and not to mention the charm and generosity of Grenadians. As for the beauty of architecture, it’s in abundance. Mudéjar, Moorish and Gothic are just a few of the architectural styles Granada has to offer, and what is even far more astonishing is how one can find a multitude of styles in one single building or location, showcasing the multitudes of ethnicities and cultures that made Granada the gem it is nowadays.
I have been twice to Granada, and I already can’t wait for my next visit. Put on comfortable walking shoes and keep the following tips in mind to enjoy a trip around Granada as one should:
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