
A Beduin By Heart!

, by jobedu-jordan Admin, 5 min reading time

It was my second year of university that bore a whole lot of intensity. Our public education system tremendously failed in quenching my thirst for the knowledge I yearned to earn. That year I realized that fancy course titles were mere facades that had very little significance behind. I thought that I was there to learn French, but to learn a foreign language entirely in my mother tongue?  Absolument pas!

It was also the time when the youth uprising erupted in Tunisia and Egypt; a time that left people like me in a state of hope for a better future. We realized that our voices do matter; that our efforts do pay off; that we can do and we have the ability to shape the reality we've always wanted to live. It was something like a fresh breath of life.

Such revelations pushed me to look further into the world around me. I had the urge to do something that I've never done before and to learn what no institution is willing to teach. This strong calling was answered one late afternoon in May, 2011.

I was browsing through my Facebook newsfeed (was it called that back then?) when I stumbled upon one of the coolest pictures I've ever seen. It was Mothanna Hussein posing in the Fairouz t-shirt designed by himself. I thought to myself: "that is the single, most awesome t-shirt I've ever seen in my life!" Back then I didn't know who Mothanna was, neither the place from where I can get that t-shirt. I had to immediately look through it, and look through it I did.

I somehow landed on the Jobedu webpage and it felt like a kid who found Neverland. I was before a world of sheer creativity, fascinating colors and a whole lot of talent. It did not look like another shop for customizing apparel. It all felt mystical and I already got hooked. All I knew is that I wanted to work with these people.

To my luck, Jobedu were recruiting at the time; I found that out through the Are you itching for work? advertisement on the jobs section of the website. It was the perfect call for those craving for more, like myself. I then sent my CV, got an appointment for an interview and a few days later I parked my mother's car in front of the glorious Weibdeh store.

The first two tribesmen I got to meet that day were Tamer AlMasri and Oraib 'Arrouba' Al-Ramahi. Their radiant faces were glowing with so much passion and devotion. Oraib - who was managing the Weibdeh store back then - told me: "Omar, this is the place where not only you'd have work colleagues, but rather mentors, friends and people that you can count on". A week later, Tamer welcomed me on board.

Despite all the insecurities and timidness I felt at the beginning, I was always surrounded with constant support from everyone at Jobedu, especially from Yazeed Daoud who is the godfather of Jobedu Representatives, given the fact that he was the first person Jobedu recruited and counted on. Yazeed supervised my training during my first few weeks at Jobedu and he always had my back every time I needed help or felt unable of carrying out a duty.

Many cool events highlighted my time at Jobedu in the summer of 2011; from the famous ISM Challenge, the sunny Fridays at JARA, along to the National Day of France, when Jobedu chose me to represent the tribe on the night the French community in Amman was celebrating Bastille Day.

At the end of that beautiful summer, I had to leave my job at the Weibdeh store. In spite of that, I never felt that I actually left Jobedu, because it grew on me. I did leave my job, but I always had a family there for me. Afterwards, I continued to share meals and days out with the Jobedu tribe, and I kept participating in outbound events and photoshoots.

The opening of the second Jobedu store in Abdoun was the ideal chance for me to rejoin the team. I've already learnt a whole lot from Jobedu, and I knew beforehand that I still have a lot more to learn. Working at the new store was a fantastic experience that allowed me to meet new people that are now dear friends of mine and I have grown a lot through the time I had shared with them.

Even when I left Jordan to pursue my studies in Spain, Jobedu was there with me. Everyone liked the witty, colorful t-shirts I used to wear and people always asked where I got them. A while after coming back to Jordan post my return from my year abroad, I was very happy to receive a call from my Jobedu people to join the tribe once again. Today as the Marketing and Communication Officer at Jobedu, I am doing the thing I've always wanted to do with the people I've always cherished and I feel ever so lucky and privileged to have this chance.

One day in August 2011, Tamer asked me to describe what Jobedu meant to me. "It's a source of happiness," I wholeheartedly answered. Jobedu thrives on the happiness of people and the fulfillment of their ambitions. When I first joined Jobedu in June of that year, a dream of mine came true. Today, another dream became true and I owe it once again to the tribe.

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